Public Datasets

ResStock Dataset 2024.2 New

This updated dataset builds on the End Use Savings Shapes methodology, with 15 packages of energy efficiency and electrification measures.

2024.2 Release

The measure packages included in this release include:

  1. ENERGY STAR air-to-air heat pump with electric backup
  2. High efficiency cold-climate air-to-air heat pump with electric backup
  3. Ultra high efficiency air-to-air heat pump with electric backup
  4. ENERGY STAR air-to-air heat pump with existing system as backup​
  5. ENERGY STAR geothermal heat pump​
  6. ENERGY STAR air-to-air heat pump with electric backup + light touch envelope improvements
  7. High efficiency cold-climate air-to-air heat pump with electric backup + light touch envelope improvements
  8. Ultra high efficiency air-to-air heat pump with electric backup + light touch envelope improvements
  9. ENERGY STAR air-to-air heat pump with existing system as backup + light touch envelope improvements​
  10. ENERGY STAR geothermal heat pump + light touch envelope improvements​
  11. ENERGY STAR air-to-air heat pump with electric backup + light touch envelope improvements + HPWH + appliance electrification
  12. High efficiency cold-climate air-to-air heat pump with electric backup + light touch envelope improvements + HPWH + appliance electrification
  13. Ultra high efficiency air-to-air heat pump with electric backup + light touch envelope improvements + HPWH + appliance electrification
  14. ENERGY STAR air-to-air heat pump with existing system as backup + light touch envelope improvements + HPWH + appliance electrification​
  15. ENERGY STAR geothermal heat pump + light touch envelope improvements + HPWH + appliance electrification​
Publication date Building stock represented Weather year Data Viewer Links - Annual and/or Timeseries Energy Data Table with Characteristics and Annual Energy Use (metadata.tsv) Supplemental Data and Dictionaries Input building characteristics
March 2024 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 AMY 2018
  • by state coming soon
metadata GitHub
March 2024 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 TMY3
  • by state coming soon
metadata GitHub

For those looking to load the 2024.2 dataset into AWS Athena for your own advanced use, there is a tutorial deomonstrating how to set up the crawlers.

Annual Impacts from Residential Energy Efficiency Measures New

This ResStock dataset complements and builds upon the existing public datasets on this page with annual energy consumption, carbon emission, energy bill, and energy burden data for the baseline U.S. housing stock as well as the U.S. housing stock with 260 "what-if" energy measure packages applied. This dataset uses only TMY3 weather data and includes an expanded sample of 2.2 million dwelling unit models, as compared to End Use Load Profiles and End Use Savings Shapes, which include timeseries data and historical weather data, but only 550,000 dwelling unit models.

2024.1 Release

The measure packages included in this release are related to:

Publication date Building stock represented Weather year Data Table with Characteristics and Annual Energy Use (metadata.tsv) Supplemental Data and Dictionaries Input building characteristics
February 2024 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 TMY3 metadata GitHub

End Use Savings Shapes

This updated dataset builds on the End Use Load Profiles methodology, adding several measure impact profiles for energy efficiency and electrification packages.

2022.1 Release

The measure packages included in this release include:

  1. Basic enclosure
  2. Enhanced enclosure
  3. Heat pumps, min-efficiency, electric backup
  4. Heat pumps, high-efficiency, electric backup​
  5. Heat pumps, min-efficiency, existing heating as backup​
  6. Heat pump water heaters
  7. Whole-home electrification, min-efficiency
  8. Whole-home electrification, high efficiency
  9. Whole-home electrification, high efficiency ​ + basic enclosure package
  10. Whole-home electrification, high efficiency ​ + enhanced enclosure package
Publication date Building stock represented Weather year Data Viewer Links - Annual and/or Timeseries Energy Data Table with Characteristics and Annual Energy Use (metadata.tsv) Supplemental Data and Dictionaries Input building characteristics
September 2022 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 AMY 2018 metadata GitHub
September 2022 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 AMY 2012 metadata GitHub
October 2022 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 TMY3 metadata GitHub

For those looking to load the EUSS dataset into AWS Athena for your own advanced use, there is a tutorial deomonstrating how to set up the crawlers.

End Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock

This dataset describes the timeseries energy consumption of the U.S. residential building stock at the end-use level. For details on how it was created and validated, please see the project’s final report . For instructions on how to access pre-created aggregate data files, please visit the End Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock project website . For commercial building stock data, please see the ComStock data viewer . Two versions of this dataset have been created: one with actual weather data from 2018, and another with typical (TMY3) weather data. The TMY3 15-min energy data should not be used for larger geographies because weather events are not regionally aligned. Multiple geographic views of the dataset have been created, one by state, and one for each Census region by PUMA.

2021.1 Release

First release of a national scale model that has been calibrated (at the timeseries resolution) to a large amount of measured electricity data, including hourly AMI data from 8 utilities around the country, as well as end-use level data from a variety of sources. See the project's final report for details about model assumptions, data sources, and results of the calibration process.

Publication date Release # Building stock represented Upgrades applied Weather year Data Viewer Links - Annual and Timeseries Energy Data Table with Characteristics and Annual Energy Use (metadata.tsv) Supplemental Data and Dictionaries Input building characteristics
October 2021 1 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 None amy2018 by_state, by_puma_northeast, by_puma_midwest, by_puma_south, by_puma_west metadata suppl_data_dict github
October 2021 1 U.S. residential sector circa 2018 None tmy3 by_state, by_puma_northeast, by_puma_midwest, by_puma_south, by_puma_west metadata suppl_data_dict github

The Supplemental Data and Dictionaries link will take you to folders on OEDI that contain pre-aggregated timeseries .csv files for different geographies, weather data in .csv format, geographic information, OpenStudio building energy models, and a data dictionary and enumerations dictionary defining all data fields and parameter options.

Visit the FAQ to find answers to frequently asked questions about the dataset and data viewers.

Visit the README for basic dataset information, organization, and changelog.

Private Datasets

All datasets, including those that are privately shared can be accessed here:

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